Ask The Official

New Balls Please by Greg Mayer
Q: During a doubles match, I once crushed an overhead off of my opponent's head. The ball bounced completely out of the court and into a nearby pool. Who should supply the new can of balls?
A: If a ball is lost, or becomes unplayable, it should be replaced with a ball of like wear (agreeable to all players). A new ball is put in only if the loss occurs within the first 3 games of a ball change (the pre-match warmup counts as one game). If a replacement ball is not available, play with the remaining two balls.
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Jim Flood has been a USTA Professional Tennis Official for many years and has officiated at many of the biggest and most prestigious USTA professional tournaments, including the U.S. Open. He is also a computer instructor and multimedia specialist and also fills his spare time as a commercial actor and voiceover artist. Jim's motto is: "Play by the rules."